Shoes You CAN Walk In

Call me "practical", "cautious", "fashion maverick". I simply refuse to follow trends that are ugly (ie the grunge look), or uncomfortable (ie the current trend of insanely high heels).

Are you also a fashion maverick who bucks the crazy trends and blazes her own trail? Then this page is for you. The current trend to buck is the 4-plus-inch-heel trend. There is nothing sexy about the clunky and over-stylized shoes so many designers are putting out there. AND the way a woman looks as she tries to walk in those monstrosities is NOT sexy. More like a Frankenstein's Monster that drank way too many tequila shots.

Here you will see styles that are pretty and wearable, that you can walk in. Also, for contrast, I will share prime examples of this ludicrous kill-yourself heel trend.

Let freedom (from pain) reign!

These only look too high, but are actually reasonable. Want to simulate the sky-high-heel look but still be able to walk gracefully? Check these out.

Examples of too-high madness: